How to Choose the Right Toothpaste for You

How to Choose the Right Toothpaste for You

Health and well-being are key components of a quality life. Proactive measures for personal health often include proper sleep, diet, and exercise. Another crucial aspect of overall health is oral care. Dentists recommend brushing and flossing daily in order to...
How to Pack Your Child a Teeth-Happy Lunch

How to Pack Your Child a Teeth-Happy Lunch

It is easy to pack your kids a lunch that they will enjoy, filling the lunch boxes with goodies and sugary snacks can certainly minimize whining and untouched lunches. But, to keep your child’s health in tip top shape, as well as their teeth, you need to pack them...
Maintaining Your Smile During Covid-19

Maintaining Your Smile During Covid-19

With many of us still working from home, it can be difficult to remember what day it is, let alone have any real sense of structure for the week. If you are like me, and function better with some kind of framework for the day, this time of Covid could be the perfect...
Common Options for Tooth Replacement

Common Options for Tooth Replacement

Having strong and healthy teeth is crucial to overall health and happiness. Although a dentist’s preference is always to preserve the patient’s natural teeth, there are times when a replacement is the necessary step. The right tooth replacement option depends on the...
Tips on Taking Care of Your Baby’s Teeth

Tips on Taking Care of Your Baby’s Teeth

Many new parents, grandparents and other caregivers are keen to know how they can care for their baby’s mouth when a tooth first begins to emerge. After feeding (both bottle or breastfeeding), take a clean, damp washcloth, a gauze pad, or a baby finger brush...
Keeping your mouth healthy when you can’t see a Dentist

Keeping your mouth healthy when you can’t see a Dentist

Has self-isolation turned you into your dog? Do you roam the house looking for food, are told “No” when you get close to strangers, and get really excited about the prospect of a car ride? Not even sure what day it is anymore? These are truly strange times, and our...