9 Things You Need to Know About Invisalign

Is your smile less than perfect? Do you wish that you could have a perfect smile, but don’t want to go through traditional, unsightly braces? You are in luck! Invisalign offers an alternative solution to achieving the perfect smile that you’ve always dreamed of...

Extractions: What You Need to Know

Here at Atlantis Dental Roundhouse, your dentist Vancouver, we work hard to provide the highest quality of patient care. So, we wanted to take the time to discuss tooth extractions with you. Tooth extraction is when a tooth is removed from its socket in the bone. A...

The Dos and Don’ts of Brushing Your Teeth

You’ve probably heard the about the importance of brushing your teeth daily, to maintain good oral health. While you may be good at making sure you are brushing every day, it is still easy to fall into bad habits and not get the best results. It is essential to...

3 Things Your Dentist Wants You to Know

We know that not everyone enjoys going to visit the dentist, but it is important to set your distaste of the dentist aside and put the importance of you and your family’s oral health first. While it is easy to make excuses to not go see the dentist regularly like you...

Dental Fluoride: Should you include it as part of your oral routine?

Fluoride is one of the most important contributors to oral health. This material helps re-mineralize the layer of enamel that makes teeth strong. Teeth lose some minerals due to diet, especially if the diet is high in sugar. Bacteria feed on the sugar and build acidic...

The Most Common Dental Terms That You Should Know

When visiting your local dentist Vancouver, chances are that there will be terminology used that you probably won’t understand. As with most professions, there is terminology that is specific to that profession that those outside of the industry won’t be familiar...